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Lucas Nelson
Lucas Nelson

The Big Penis Book 1114 BEST

While incarcerated, Minor became an important contributor to the Oxford English Dictionary. He was one of the project's most effective volunteers, reading through his large personal library of antiquarian books and compiling quotations that illustrated how particular words were used.[1]

the big penis book 1114

After a pre-trial period spent in London's Horsemonger Lane Gaol, Minor was found not guilty by reason of insanity and incarcerated at the asylum in Broadmoor in the village of Crowthorne, Berkshire.[9] As he had his US Army pension and was judged not dangerous, he was given rather comfortable quarters and was able to buy and read books.[10][11]

It was probably through his correspondence with the London booksellers that he heard of the call for volunteers for what was to become the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). He devoted most of the remainder of his life to that work.[12] He became one of the project's most effective volunteers, reading through his large personal library of antiquarian books and compiling quotations that illustrated the way particular words were used. He was often visited by the widow of the man he had killed, and she provided him with further books. The compilers of the dictionary published lists of words for which they wanted examples of usage. Minor provided these with increasing ease as the lists grew. It was many years before the OED's editor, James Murray, learned of Minor's history and visited him in January 1891. In 1899, Murray paid compliment to Minor's enormous contributions to the dictionary, stating, "we could easily illustrate the last four centuries from his quotations alone".[13][14]

Minor's condition deteriorated. In 1902, he was suffering delusions that he was being abducted nightly from his rooms and conveyed to such distant places as Istanbul, where he was forced to commit sexual assaults on children. He cut off his own penis (autopenectomy) to prevent such actions. He used a knife he otherwise used in his work on the dictionary.[15] His health continued to worsen and, after Murray campaigned on his behalf, Minor was released in 1910 on the orders of the then Home Secretary, 35 year-old Winston Churchill.[15]

The Tachikawa-ryū (立川流) was a branch of Shingon Buddhism founded in the early 12th century by Ninkan (仁寛, died 1114), a monk of the Daigo-ji lineage of Shingon who was exiled in 1113 to the province of Izu (part of modern Shizuoka Prefecture) after being implicated in a plot to assassinate the then reigning emperor of Japan, Emperor Toba.

It is not known for certain what happened to Ninkan afterwards. Some sources state that he committed suicide in 1114,[7][8] with one record from 1129 noting that Ninkan had not returned to the capital even then.[8] Takuya Hino (2012), however, suggests that Ninkan might have become active as an astrologer under a different name during his exile; indeed, later texts state that Ninkan renamed himself Rennen (蓮念), and this name appears in the lineage charts (kechimyaku) of the Tachikawa-ryū.[8][9] He points out that Fujiwara no Tadazane's (1078-1162) diary, the Denryaku (殿暦, covering the years 1098-1118), specifies that Ninkan was exiled to Ōshima Island in Izu, which was notable for being a place of exile for experts in divination.[10]

The use of hango-ko (frankincense) to call up the dead may trace back to the folk tale of the ancient Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty. There is also an equally apposite tantric usage to be found in the Hevajra Tantra where it describes the "mudra" (seal) as a ritual partner in a sex Rite as a girl "possessed of frankincense and camphor",[This quote needs a citation] a characterization that turns out to be an encrypted reference for blood and semen (red and white). Regardless, the religious and magical powers of female blood and male semen (the Twin Waters, or the Red and White) is standard in the more baroque forms of Tantraism. An example is found in the Yoni-Tantra (vagina Tantra) of the Kaulas that recommends that, "...the highest sadhaka (officiant) should mix in the water the effusion from yoni (vagina) and lingam (penis), and sipping this amrita (nectar), nourish himself with it."[This quote needs a citation]

Fingle first joined the city with the sole intent of hanging out with his buddy Chamone Mone. They both were completely broke, so they dicided to search the city looking for Janitorial positions. The Vanilla Unicorn hired them off the books as unofficial janitors. Fingle rarely even cleaned, he instead just showed up, hung around for a few minutes, then claimed he cleaned and left.

Priapism is a disorder in which the penis maintains a prolonged erection in the absence of appropriate stimulation. Three broad categories exist for this disease: ischemic, nonischemic, and recurrent ischemic. Ischemic causes of priapism are a true emergency and require prompt intervention to prevent damage to the penis, which can progress to erectile dysfunction and permanent impotence. Emergent management of this disease is directed toward achieving detumescence. This activity reviews the pathophysiology of priapism and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in its management.

Priapism is a disorder in which the penis maintains a prolonged, rigid erection in the absence of appropriate stimulation. Definitions vary regarding duration, but any erection lasting four hours or longer is generally considered priapism.

Three broad categories exist for this disease: ischemic, non-ischemic, and recurrent ischemic. Ischemic causes of priapism are a true emergency and require prompt intervention to prevent damage to the penis, which can progress to complete and permanent erectile dysfunction. Emergent management of this disease is directed toward achieving detumescence.[1][2]

Priapism does not generally cause engorgement of the glans penis and corpus spongiosum because these structures have a separate venous drainage system. This alternate drainage route is the basis for surgical cavernosum to spongiosum shunt treatment for ischemic priapism.

While priapism is usually defined as an erection that lasts 4 hours or longer, physiological changes and microscopic tissue damage inside the penis typically do not start until about 6 hours after onset.[26] Permanent structural changes of the corporal smooth muscle tissue start to develop after 12 hours, beginning with trabecular interstitial edema.[26] Cellular damage begins 24 hours after priapism initiation with basement membrane skeletonization, increased platelet adherence, and sinusoidal endothelial destruction. Thrombus collections in the sinusoidal spaces and direct damage to cavernosal smooth muscle tissue leading to fibrosis and permanent ED begin within 36 hours.

Non-ischemic priapism is much less common and typically presents after a trauma or injury where a fistula forms between the cavernosal artery and the corpora. The trauma may be blunt or penetrating and is often delivered directly to the penis or perineum. The priapism will develop within 72 hours after the injury but some cases this may take up to several weeks to develop.[15] Unlike ischemic priapism, non-ischemic priapism is not painful, does not usually typically require emergency medical care, and usually resolves spontaneously in the majority (62%) of cases, even if untreated.[32]

Nocturnal painful erections is the name of a rare disorder in which patients are woken up from REM sleep due to painful, abnormal erections.[41] The structure and function of the penis are otherwise normal and the condition is not associated with either priapism or erectile dysfunction.[41][42] Instead, nocturnal painful erection disorder is caused by obstructive sleep apnea, increased nocturnal testosterone levels, a neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter disorder, psychogenic issues brought on by anxiety and sleep deprivation, increased pain sensitivity during REM sleep, or ischemic penile compartment syndrome.[43][44][45][46][47]

Upon initial assessment of a patient presenting with priapism, the exact duration of the abnormal erection should be elicited. The history and duration of the condition are beneficial in determining its underlying etiology and help identify the specific type of priapism the patient is experiencing. Important clinical questions include the duration of symptoms, any treatments or injection therapy utilized, erectile function before the priapism episode, prior episodes of priapism and treatments, current medications, and any history of underlying disorders known to precipitate priapism, such as sickle cell disease or trauma to the penis, pelvis or perineum. Illicit drug use and alcoholic intoxication are contributing factors in up to 21% of cases of ischemic priapism.[15] Additionally, the presence or absence of pain helps differentiate ischemic from non-ischemic causes of this disease as a painless presentation suggests a non-ischemic pathology. Only in very rare and extreme cases will ischemic priapism present with gangrene which ultimately results in partial or complete necrosis of the penis.[48]

On physical examination, the penis should be palpated to determine the presence of any pulsations that might represent arterial high-flow priapism and is usually absent in ischemic conditions. In ischemic priapism, the corpora cavernosa are rigid and fully erect. They are usually somewhat tender to palpation. The glans will tend to be soft or only partially engorged but will not be rigid. The absence of tenderness or partially tumescent cavernosa tends to favor a diagnosis of non-ischemic disease.

Aspiration and normal saline irrigation are recommended as the initial medical therapy. Performing a dorsal penile block before aspiration, irrigation, and drug injection therapy is advisable to minimize patient discomfort. Aspiration is generally done using a large diameter needle, butterfly, or angiocath (19 gauge or larger) at either the 2 o'clock or 10 o'clock position on the penis near the base while milking the shaft. About 20 ml to 30 ml should be aspirated, and the color of the blood should be noted. Aspiration alone is only effective in about one-third of patients. It must be combined with other treatments, such as irrigation with normal saline or diluted sympathomimetic agents, to achieve successful, prolonged detumescence. Aspiration with normal saline irrigation has been reported to successfully achieve detumescence in 66% of cases.[53] The same needle can be used for blood gas determinations, aspiration, irrigation, and sympathomimetic drug instillation. While only one needle is required, some recommend two to facilitate the irrigation process. Typically, after several rounds of aspiration and normal saline irrigation, oxygenated blood with a bright red color is usually observed. This reoxygenation of the corpora greatly enhances the smooth muscle contractile response to sympathomimetic injections.[15]


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